DUET Robotics Club is happy to announce that a Workshop on Robotics. It will be a great opportunity for a new learner to learn robotics from the beginning. There will be no need for previous knowledge regarding robotics to understand this workshop.
The workshop will cover these topics :
1. Basic Electronics
2. Introduction to sensors and motors
3. All about soldering(Hardware installation)
4. Basic programming
5. Arduino Control
6. Robo Soccer
7. Line Following Robot
8. Project Ideas and Solutions
Participant Eligibility:
1. The participant must be a DUETian
2. Department: EEE, CSE, ME, IPE, CE, TE, Arch, MME, CFE ( Any Department of DUET)
3. Year: 2nd Year, 3rd Year & 4th Year
4. Participants must fill up an online form using the link provided below.
Session time of Workshop:
Every Friday 9AM – 11AM (Theory) 3PM – 4PM (Practical)
***Workshop is only available for DUET Robotics Club Members only.